I started my career in media in 1977, when I started to work at one of the “radio libere” in Italy, the movement of the independent local radio that started after the liberalization of the radio spectrum decided in Italy by the Constitutional Court.
I started to collaborate to a rock music programme on Radio Città Futura, in parallel with my work as young journalist in music magazines and in Italian newspapers.
From the “radio libere” world I moved to Rai, the national broadcaster of Italy, where I was asked to produce with some friends some original programmes on music and on young culture of the Seventies. I collaborated for some year with RadioUno, that was -at that time- the laboratory for experimental radio, testing new formats and new authors.
I produced, among other, for Radio Uno “Telefon-art”, a special audiodrama on the changing sound of telephones at the time of the transition from analogue and mechanical to the new digital and mobile sounds. “Telefon art” was presented by RAI in competition at Prix Italia.
My field of specialization at radio where rock and experimental music, before to start a career as TV journalists at Rai, on the second channel RaiDue.
Here I specialized myself in innovation and technology and I became the special correspondent covering satellite launches, the first computer graphic experiments, the festival of technology applied to arts and performing arts, digital restoration of films and tv masterworks.
In 1987 I founded the International Festival of Cinema and Television in the premises of Villa Medicis, the French Academy in Rome, and of Palazzo Farnese, the French embassy in Italy.
Appointed Knight of culture and arts by the French Minister of Culture in 1987, since then I have worked to favor intercultural dialogue between Italy and France and the cooperation in the audiovisual sector among European operators.
He was -on behalf of the EBU- one of the supporter of the candidacy at UNESCO proposed by Spain- to create a Word Day dedicated to Radio. After a successful campaign at the UNESCO General Council, the World Radio Day was finally approved and was assigned the 13 of February every year among the UN Days. Since its inception, he assures the coordination of the World Radio Day Committee.
•Author of the chapter “Public Service Broadcasting”- 2019 Wiley The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (ISBN 9781118841679) 5/1/2019
•Diversità culturale – 2008 Special issue of the Economia della Cultura review (contribution
and coordination)
•The BBC Royal Charter – 2007 edizioni Prix Italia – Eurovisioni
•Internationalization of Chinese TV sector – 2007 Lit Verlag Berlin (contribution)
•9/11 New Media and Breaking news – 2005 edition in English and French UER/EBU, Italian edition
-Author of the first HDTV journalistic report “Il cielo in una stanza”, coproduction RAI-NHK (1989)
-Special Interview with King Hussein of Jordan, coproduction Euronews - JRTV
-Telefon-art, audiodrama, production RadioUno RAI
“what radio means for you”
“how can be the change in your area”
“The future of IGF – Sharm El Sheikh 2009”
“Eutelsat awards – the best of European TV”
“World Radio Day 2016”
“Eurovisioni festival 2016”